A short puzzle platformer game using a save/load position mechanic.

Move with WASD, space to jump. Press [,] (comma) to place a marker on your current position, and press [.] (period) to teleport back to the marker. For gamepad: move with left stick, jump with bottom face button, save with top face button, load with left face button.

This game was made by myself in 9 days for the UDC Jam #23.

Developers: Alecajuice

Audio: pixabay.com

Music: nojisuma - angle

Player Sprite and Controller: Tarodev

Sci-Fi Platformer Tileset: pzUH

Post-jam patch notes:

  • Decreased base movement speed and ground deceleration to improve movement precision


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great mechanics , really fun

Really fun and innovative design! I found the puzzles really creative and challenging. The visuals / audio is also amazingly put together.

The first levels introduce the mechanics really well. Could just be me, but I assumed on the second level that the save point would be erased upon hitting the spikes, maybe instead of spikes, have a portal that takes you back to the spawnpoint? Or an indication that it simply returns you to the start, considering it's the only time that mechanic is used? Again, could just be me.

Also the menu button at the end doesn't appear to work.

Really hope you expand and create more levels, this was really fun! :D

Yeah, the second level's design was the one I was the least satisfied with. I might change it in the remaining time I have left.

The menu button bug is fixed now, thanks for the feedback!

I just updated the game with a visual indicator showing which direction your save point is in when it's offscreen. Hopefully this makes it clearer that your save point doesn't disappear when you die!

Nice! Re-playing it I'd say it certainly helps!

Very fun puzzle game! Nice job!


Nicely done, good teamwork

enjoyed playing good concept